Holistic Living: Mindfulness Workshop
Join us for this 5-week workshop
Is anxiety holding you back from leading a fulfilling life?
Mindfulness means living life in the moment, and that can be difficult to do when battling anxiety. Anxiety often has us focused on the future, things we can't control, the what if's and uncertainty in life.
This group is for people 18 and older who are interested in learning and practicing researched and proven ways to reduce anxious thoughts and uncomfortable physical responses to anxiety. In this 5-week workshop, we will focus on Mindfulness: what it is, and how to tap into your body to create inner peace.
This is a co-ed group for people 18 and older. The DBT Mindfulness group will meet every Thursday at Haven Counseling Center in Knoxville, TN from 5:30-7:00 PM starting on February 16, 2023 and ending March 30, 2023. We will be taking March 16th off for Spring Break.
The cost for the 5-week workshop is $250, due before the first meeting. While we do not accept insurance, we do accept most major credit cards and HSA cards.
Interested in Joining the Group?
Are you interested in learning more about this DBT workshop for Anxiety? Or maybe you are ready to sign up? Click here to email DBT@havencounselors.com or call 865-409-5001 (extension 816) and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Additional Information:
This is the first workshop of a 4-part series on "Holistic Living: Living Life to Its Fullest" using DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) as the therapeutic framework to battle uncomfortable feelings and emotions. The full 4-part series is not required. You can pick any of the workshops that are of interest to you or you can choose them all! The full workshop list in the series are as follows: 1) Mindfulness (5-weeks) 2) Relational Effectiveness (6-weeks) 3) Emotional Regulation (8-weeks) 4) Distress Tolerance (8-weeks). More information to come on the remaining workshops.
Interested in Joining the Group?
You can contact dbt@havencounselors.com to sign-up for the group