110-A Perimeter Park Rd
Knoxville, TN 37922
(Non-Medication Services)
Psychiatry/Medication services now at Knoxville Family Psychiatry
Practice Location for Psychiatry & Medication Management
Counseling/Therapy providers remaining as Haven and on Perimeter Park Road
Is now 2 separate practices in different locations
Medication Management/Psychiatry
301 Clark Street, Knoxville, TN 37917 (starting 2/3/2020)
(865) 588-1718
In February 2020, the primary psychiatric providers with Haven (Patti Reposa, Heidi Poore, and Sarah Bannister) expanded their separate practice to a new location and under a new name.
Our medication providers were with Haven since our doors opened in 2016, and they continued as an independent practice in our joint clinic location starting in 2018. And though it was an honor and a pleasure to provide our counseling/psychotherapy services alongside their psychiatric/medication management services in the same location, the continued growth of both the counseling/therapy practice and the psychiatric practice led our psychiatric partners to move their independent practice to a new location and with a new name, Knoxville Family Psychiatry, located near downtown Knoxville at 301 Clark Street, Knoxville, TN 37921. Their phone number is 865-588-1718
110 Perimeter Park Road, Suite A, Knoxville, TN 37922
(865) 409-5001
The counseling/psychotherapy services at Haven continue at our same location in West Knoxville as Haven Counseling Center. All medical records for the psychiatry/medication management patients who worked with the nurse practitioners with Haven Family Psychiatry shall remain with the nurses at Knoxville Family Psychiatry.